Five things you should know if you decide to be an Academic

Navigating the crossroads following the completion of an undergraduate degree is a pivotal moment in one’s academic and professional journey. At this juncture, individuals often grapple with the decision of whether to delve into the academic realm, ultimately aspiring to become university professors, or to embark on an internship as the initial step towards a career in industry. Each path holds its distinct challenges and rewards. Understanding the nuances of an academic career is crucial for those considering this trajectory.

Becoming a university professor is an aspiration cherished by many, yet it is a pursuit laden with complexities and demands. Before embarking on this journey, there are several key considerations that prospective academics must bear in mind.

1. A Long and Arduous Road to Professorship

The path to becoming a university professor is undeniably lengthy and demanding. It necessitates unwavering commitment and perseverance as one traverses through various stages of academic progression. Typically, this journey begins with the pursuit of a doctoral degree in the respective field. This process that spans an additional six to seven years beyond undergraduate studies. Subsequently, aspiring academics often undertake post-doctoral research positions, which may extend for two years or more. Following this phase, entry-level positions such as research associateships are commonplace, with an average duration of three to five years. Only after surmounting these initial hurdles can individuals aspire to secure an Assistant Professor position—the inaugural step towards professorship. However, the timeline and specific requirements for advancement vary across academic institutions and geographical regions. On average, it may take upwards of 20 years from graduation to ascend to the coveted rank of full Professor.

Watch this video from the University of Nottingham on how to be a professor in eight easy steps!

2. Monetary Considerations and Financial Realities of Academics

While the pursuit of knowledge and the advancement of scholarship are intrinsic motivators for many academics, it is essential to acknowledge the financial realities associated with an academic career. The initial stages of this journey often entail modest remuneration, with teaching assistantships representing a common starting point. In the United States, the average salary for a Teaching Assistant hovers around $29,360 per annum. This figure that may pale in comparison to earnings in certain entry-level positions within the industry. Even as one progresses along the academic trajectory, attaining the rank of university professor does not necessarily equate to substantial wealth. According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary for university professors is estimated at $79,640 annually. While this figure may vary depending on factors such as institution, and experience, it is evident that financial prosperity is not a hallmark of the academic profession. Unless one possesses exceptional acumen and makes groundbreaking contributions to their field, the pursuit of academic excellence is unlikely to yield substantial monetary rewards.

3. Intrinsic Fulfillment and the Value of Academic Pursuits

Despite the financial constraints inherent in academia, the pursuit of knowledge and the impact of scholarly endeavors hold immense intrinsic value. Academia affords individuals the opportunity to engage in cutting-edge research. It allows academics to contribute to the advancement of human understanding, and effect meaningful change within their respective domains. Imagine being part of a research team that develops a groundbreaking cure for cancer or pioneers a revolutionary device to restore vision in patients with glaucoma. The prospect of imparting knowledge to future generations and nurturing the intellects of aspiring scholars is equally gratifying. While monetary wealth may elude academia, the profound sense of purpose derived from scholarly pursuits is immeasurable. Academic endeavors resonate far beyond the confines of monetary gain, leaving an enduring legacy that transcends generations.

4. The Significance of Scholarly Publication if you want to be an Academic

Central to the academic enterprise is the dissemination of knowledge through scholarly publication. Publishing in reputable journals is not merely a requisite for career advancement—it is the cornerstone of academic credibility and recognition. Aspiring academics must hone their writing skills early on, mastering the art of crafting scientific discourse that is rigorous, coherent, and insightful. The ability to articulate one’s research findings effectively is paramount, as it facilitates knowledge exchange, fosters collaboration, and enhances the visibility of one’s work within the academic community. Moreover, scholarly publication serves as a testament to one’s intellectual contributions, providing a tangible record of scholarly achievements and advancements in the field.

5. The Multifaceted Skill Set of Academia

The role of a university professor extends far beyond the confines of the lecture hall or laboratory. Professors are not only educators but also mentors, researchers, innovators, administrators, and leaders within their respective academic communities. Consequently, proficiency in a diverse array of skills is indispensable for success in academia. Effective communication skills are paramount, enabling professors to articulate complex concepts and engage students in meaningful discourse. Moreover, proficiency in research methodologies, data analysis, and critical thinking is essential for advancing scholarly inquiry and driving innovation within the academic sphere. Additionally, administrative acumen and leadership capabilities are indispensable for navigating the intricacies of academic governance, securing research funding, and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration.


In conclusion, the pursuit of an academic career path is a noble endeavor fraught with challenges and rewards. While the journey to professorship may be arduous and financially modest, the intrinsic fulfillment derived from scholarly pursuits is unparalleled. Academic endeavors afford individuals the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to the advancement of knowledge, effect positive change within society, and leave an enduring legacy that transcends generations. However, success in academia necessitates unwavering commitment, dedication to scholarly excellence, and a multifaceted skill set that encompasses teaching, research, and leadership capabilities. For those undeterred by the rigors of academic pursuit, opportunities abound within the realm of higher education. Explore academic vacancies and embark on your scholarly journey at, where opportunities await those with a passion for knowledge and a commitment to academic excellence.

As you embark on your scholarly journey, remember that the pursuit of knowledge is not merely a vocation—it is a calling, a passion, and a lifelong commitment to the pursuit of truth, discovery, and enlightenment. Embrace the challenges, seize the opportunities, and forge a path of scholarly excellence that will leave a lasting legacy for generations to come

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