
About Candidate

After my graduation from Faculty of Agriculture in 1995, I worked as an assistant researcher in the Egyptian National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS) until 2001.During that time; I obtained my Master’s from Menoufiya University, Egypt in Applications of Remote Sensing in Agriculture in 1998. In 2001, I enrolled in Chiba University, Japan, where I graduated with a PhD in Remote Sensing in March 2005.In April 2005, I was employed by the Center for Environmental Remote Sensing (CEReS), Chiba University, as a visiting researcher till April 2008 when I returned to (NARSS) as a Researcher in Agricultural Applications department. In September 2013, I was promoted as Assistant Professor and Head of Agricultural Applications Department of NARSS. In March 2015, I had short contract as a Remote Sensing and GIS technical expert and trainer in Arab Organization for Agricultural Development, League of Arab States that ended in July 2015 when I returned back to my office in (NARSS).  In June 2019, I was promoted as a Professor in remote sensing agricultural and environmental applications. I have been working for years as a visiting professor to teach in (Zewail City of Science and Technology, Faculty of Environmental Engineering) and (Faculty of Agriculture, Menofia University). I also organized and joined many training courses and programs for remote sensing and GIS in many organizations throughout decades. My objective now is seeking a new position where I can invest my experience and my academic background.



Ph.D. Degree in Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in Agriculture 2005
Chiba University, Japan

(April 2001 – March2002) Research student, (April 2002 – March2005) PhD student in Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University, Japan During these four years, my work focused mainly on using high resolution satellite imageries for Land cover mapping, land cover change detection and crop yield prediction. The main objectives of my PhD work were:1) addressing and analyzing land cover changes over time in one of the most important agricultural productive area in Egypt and in all Egyptian territory in order to help the strategists and the planners to come up with more effective land use policies, 2) examining the capability of Linear Mixture Model as a sub-pixel classification technique to solve a serious technical problem facing land cover mapping in the intensive and heterogeneity cultivated lands in Egypt and 3) proposing empirical (wheat and rice) crop yield prediction models as parts of pre-harvest wheat yield prediction system in Egypt and pre-harvest rice yield prediction system in Japan through developing coefficients of remotely-sensed biophysical parameters, vegetation indices and climatic factors. It could be said that the study so far achieved the main objectives.

Menofia University 1998
Master degree Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in Agriculture

(February 1996 – March 2001) Assistant Researcher, Egyptian National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS) I worked in the following research projects: • Scientific cooperation between The State University of Ghent, Belgium, and The National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, pilot project of "Soil salinity and water logging assessment in Egypt ", since November, 1995 up to 1996. • Integration of satellite land surface assessment with SOCECON parameters for global desertification monitoring in the arid Mediterranean zone, Project no. CT- 92- 0008", November, 1995 up to 1997. • Study of soil degradation in the Eastern Delta region using remote sensing and geographic information systems, June 1996 - June, 1998. • Updating the soil maps of Sinai Peninsula – El-Salam canal command area, June 1996 - June, 1997. • Project of integrated development of Halaybe - Shalateen area, July 1996 - December 2000. • Preliminary assessment of the impacts of the drifting sands on the development activities in the northwestern Sinai, Egypt. January 1997 up December 1997. • During my study for M.Sc. and PhD and my work as a post-doctoral research associate, I gained good experience in analyzing satellite remotely sensed data, how this data could be integrated with other types of data, and the technical problems which may face this kind of work and the way to solve them. Also, I became familiar with most of satellite remotely sensed data as well as most of remote sensing and GIS software.

Work & Experience

Professor, Head of Agricultural Applications Department, National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS) 2019 - Current
National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences

My responsibilities are: - Managing and teaching different training courses - Teaching under graduate and post-graduate courses. - Planning, organizing and joining different local, national and international research projects in remote sensing agricultural applications for example: - Study on Validation of Crop Leave Area Inversion Using Multi - Source Remote Sensing Data 2008-2009. - Modeling yield prediction for the main cereal crops in Egypt using multi-source remote sensing data 2008-2009/2009-2010. - Flow pattern of rice cultivation in the Nile delta of Egypt2009/ 2010/ 2011. - Building spectral library for common crops and soil types in Egypt, 2010. - Sinai Information System for Land Management and Environment Monitoring, 2011. - Monitoring and estimation of the area of the main Strategic crops in Egypt, 2013. - Adverse Impacts of Nile Water Deficiency on the Sustainable Land Management of Nile Delta and Valley (Egypt) Using Remote Sensing and Other Techniques (Work Package: Remote Sensing and GIS for Crop and Water Management in Nile Valley and Delta) 2014-2015/2015-2016. - Spatial Data Management and Integration for Sustainable Agricultural Development and Food Security in the Northern West Coast of Egypt, 2016-2017 / 2017-2018. - Integrated crop Monitoring and Estimation of Water Productivity in Egyptian Nile Delta, 2018-2019. - Building an Integrated Geospatial System for Periodic Monitoring of Egyptian Export Crops Using Remote Sensing and GIS (Egypt's Crop Eye system), 2019- 2020. - Management and Applications of Remote Sensing Big Data in Old and Reclaimed Lands for Sustainable Agricultural Development of Egypt, 2020 – 2022. - Planning, adjusting, training, following up and administrative tasks as a head of Agricultural Applications department in (NARSS)

Associate Professot 2013 - 2019
National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences

My responsibilities were: - Managing and teaching different training courses - Teaching under graduate and post-graduate courses. - Planning, organizing and joining different local, national and international research projects in remote sensing agricultural applications for example: - Study on Validation of Crop Leave Area Inversion Using Multi - Source Remote Sensing Data 2008-2009. - Modeling yield prediction for the main cereal crops in Egypt using multi-source remote sensing data 2008-2009/2009-2010. - Flow pattern of rice cultivation in the Nile delta of Egypt2009/ 2010/ 2011. - Building spectral library for common crops and soil types in Egypt, 2010. - Sinai Information System for Land Management and Environment Monitoring, 2011. - Monitoring and estimation of the area of the main Strategic crops in Egypt, 2013. - Adverse Impacts of Nile Water Deficiency on the Sustainable Land Management of Nile Delta and Valley (Egypt) Using Remote Sensing and Other Techniques (Work Package: Remote Sensing and GIS for Crop and Water Management in Nile Valley and Delta) 2014-2015/2015-2016. - Spatial Data Management and Integration for Sustainable Agricultural Development and Food Security in the Northern West Coast of Egypt, 2016-2017 / 2017-2018. - Integrated crop Monitoring and Estimation of Water Productivity in Egyptian Nile Delta, 2018-2019. - Building an Integrated Geospatial System for Periodic Monitoring of Egyptian Export Crops Using Remote Sensing and GIS (Egypt's Crop Eye system), 2019- 2020. - Management and Applications of Remote Sensing Big Data in Old and Reclaimed Lands for Sustainable Agricultural Development of Egypt, 2020 – 2022. - Planning, adjusting, training, following up and administrative tasks as a head of Agricultural Applications department in (NARSS)

Researcher 2005 - 2008
Chiba University, Japan

Since I joined the Center for Environmental Remote Sensing (CEReS) of Chiba University as a Lecturer, I have involved in International global land cover mapping project. My duties in this project include: - Preparing a global training sites database by collecting appropriate sites for each land cover type; evaluating these training sites through analyzing the trend of (NDVI), then finally input them in GIS database to be used in the current project and also to be available for any future land cover mapping work in any scale. - Land covers classification for continental MODIS 16-day composite 1km resolution data of the year 2003, mosaicking the classification results and finalizing the global legend to produce a global land cover map. (April 2001 – March2002) Research student, (April 2002 – March2005) PhD student in Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University, Japan During these four years, my work focused mainly on using high resolution satellite imageries for Land cover mapping, land cover change detection and crop yield prediction. The main objectives of my PhD work were:1) addressing and analyzing land cover changes over time in one of the most important agricultural productive area in Egypt and in all Egyptian territory in order to help the strategists and the planners to come up with more effective land use policies, 2) examining the capability of Linear Mixture Model as a sub-pixel classification technique to solve a serious technical problem facing land cover mapping in the intensive and heterogeneity cultivated lands in Egypt and 3) proposing empirical (wheat and rice) crop yield prediction models as parts of pre-harvest wheat yield prediction system in Egypt and pre-harvest rice yield prediction system in Japan through developing coefficients of remotely-sensed biophysical parameters, vegetation indices and climatic factors. It could be said that the study so far achieved the main objectives.

Assistant Researcher 1996 - 2001
National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences

I worked in the following research projects: • Scientific cooperation between The State University of Ghent, Belgium, and The National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, pilot project of "Soil salinity and water logging assessment in Egypt ", since November, 1995 up to 1996. • Integration of satellite land surface assessment with SOCECON parameters for global desertification monitoring in the arid Mediterranean zone, Project no. CT- 92- 0008", November, 1995 up to 1997. • Study of soil degradation in the Eastern Delta region using remote sensing and geographic information systems, June 1996 - June, 1998. • Updating the soil maps of Sinai Peninsula – El-Salam canal command area, June 1996 - June, 1997. • Project of integrated development of Halaybe - Shalateen area, July 1996 - December 2000. • Preliminary assessment of the impacts of the drifting sands on the development activities in the northwestern Sinai, Egypt. January 1997 up December 1997. • During my study for M.Sc. and PhD and my work as a post-doctoral research associate, I gained good experience in analyzing satellite remotely sensed data, how this data could be integrated with other types of data, and the technical problems which may face this kind of work and the way to solve them. Also, I became familiar with most of satellite remotely sensed data as well as most of remote sensing and GIS software.


Satellite data processing and GIS softwares