About Candidate

Dr. Shah Mohd. Khan is a Professor in the Department of Psychology at Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), India, with experience in research for more than three decades. His academic career has been meritorious. He holds First Class Master’s degree in Statistics and Psychology from AMU and obtained a Ph.D. degree in Psychology from the University of Lucknow, India. He was awarded a Post-Graduate Merit Scholarship in 1982–84 as an MSc student. He holds a Dip. in Computer Programming and many certificate courses in Computer higher languages.

Before joining AMU, Dr. Khan was an officer at the Research Designs and Standards Organization (the only R&D organization of the Indian Railways) and was posted in Lucknow, Kolkata, and Mumbai. He was responsible for the selection of safety staff for the Indian Railways through aptitude tests and research relating to human error in train operations.

Prof. Khan has 17+ years of teaching at UG/PG/PhD levels. He has been engaged with other departments of studies to teach PhD coursework. He was involved as a team member/project leader in the completion of 39 research projects on the Indian Railways. He has published two books. He has authored, co-authored 59 research papers in National and International journals. He has also developed, standardized, and published 25 aptitude tests/scales. He has so far successfully produced ten PhDs under his supervision, and four are currently in progress. He is a co-supervisor for a number of research scholars in the departments of Business administration, Physiology, and Home Sciences. 85 dissertations for the award of a Master’s degree/PG Diploma have been completed under his supervision. He is a program counsellor for several courses at IGNOU and the Centre for Online Distance Education. A major research project was sanctioned in his favour by the ICSSR and another is in progress concerning to development of MOOCs on “Statistical Methods in Psychological Research- II” sanctioned by the UGC.

Prof. Khan has been consistently engaged in various academic activities as an organiser, keynote speaker, teacher-educator, editor, and author in a series of National and International seminars, conferences, and workshops. He has also organized several workshops for Industries/Organizations/Universities on online learning & teaching and Data Analytics. In addition, he has delivered lectures and talks in more than 100+ Research Methodology workshops sponsored by the ICSSR and allied Institutions/Universities in India. Recently, Prof. Khan organized a 10-Day Research Methodology Course for Research Scholars of Humanities & Social Sciences sponsored by the ICSSR (Academic Body of the Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India).

Prof. Khan was a member of the University Ranking Committee (IQAC) for four years and is currently a member of the Innovation Council of the university. He is also a managing Editor and Member of the Editorial Board & Review Committee for 3 International Journals.

Prof. Khan has vast experience in developing & executing research proposals, data analysis, and the interpretation of results. His current areas of research are Psycho-physiological Assessment, Statistics, Research Methods, Industrial Psychology, Organizational Behaviour, and Human Resource Management.

Development, Standardization, and Publication of Tests







M.Sc. (Statistics) 1984
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (India)
M.A. (Psychology) 1997
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (India)
Ph.D. (Psychology) 2003
University of Lucknow (India)

Work & Experience

Statistician 15.02.1991 - 14.2.2007
Research Designs & Standards Organization (RDSO), Ministry of Railways, Govt. of India, Lucknow

Preparation of research proposal, tools, data collection, analysis and drafting of R&D projects' report.

Jr. Scientific Officer (Psychology) 15.02.2007 - 29.02.2016
Research Designs & Standards Organization (RDSO), Ministry of Railways, Govt. of India, Lucknow

Development and Standardization of Aptitude Tests. Administration & Selection of safety staffs through aptitude test. Research relating to Human Error in Train Operation.

Associate Professor (Psychology) 04.03.2016 - 14.03.2019
Department of Psychology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (India)

Teaching and Research UG, PG and Doctoral Levels Execution of assigned research projects

Professor (Psychology) 15.03.2019 - contd....
Department of Psychology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (India)

Teaching and Research UG, PG and Doctoral Levels Execution of assigned research projects


Data Analyst


Director General (4+2)
Meritorious and Commendable services