
About Candidate



PhD, Civil Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China

Current Title: Research on Seismic Behavior of CFT-Frame-Buckling Restrained Steel Plate Shear Wall Structures Using Recycled Aggregate Concrete.

M.Sc, Civil Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China. Sept 2018 – June 2020.

Thesis Title: Study theBehavior on Axial Compression Stability of ThinDouble-skinSteel-ConcreteComposite Shear Wall. GPA: 91.02%. (Excellent)

B.Sc., Civil Engineering Al-albayt University, Al-Mafraq, Jordan. Sept 2010 – June 2015.

Senior Design Project: Analysis and Designing of Structural System for A Multi-Purpose Building area 14610 m2 forming ten floors, and Mosque, Including seismic design for all the structural elements.

Work & Experience

School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China. Research Assistant Sept 2018 – present.

[1] Experimental studies on the lateral performance of prefabricated concrete-filled steel tubular truss column [2] Experimental investigation on Buckling-restrained steel plate shear wall with different cross-section and connection forms under lateral cyclic loads. [3] Experimental study on the Mechanical Behavior of Joints with H-Section Beam of Lattice and Temcor Structures including bending moment, tensile and compressive behavior. [4] Experimental Study on Axial Compression Stability of Thin Double-skin Steel-Concrete Composite Shear wall [5] Trying my best to complete the assigned mission from my Supervisor. [6] Participating in Supervisor’s team projects sponsors by different companies. [7] Participating in Academic Activities of the School.

College of Engineering, Al-Albayt University, Al-Mafraq, Jordan. Student Sept 2010 – June 2015.

[1] Participating and Doing many Experiments. [2] Participating in scientific visits to some Construction Companies. [3] Participating in Different Training Courses Organized by Construction Companies and College.


CSC scholarship as a Full-time PhD studies 2020